Private Limited Company Registration
✔ Analysis of documents and information provided
✔ Applying for Digital Signature Certificate
✔ Checking Name availability
✔ Drafting of MoA, AoA & other expected documents
✔ Name reservation application under SPICe +
✔ Filing company registration application
✔ DIN allotment application
✔ Application for PAN and TAN of company
✔ Government processing time
Overview of Private Limited Company Registration
✔ A Private Limited Company is a privately maintained small business existence, which is one of the highly recommended means to start a business in India.
✔ The Companies Act 2013 governs private limited company registration in India.
✔ While, minimum 2 shareholders are required to start a private company, while the higher limit of members are 200 as per the Companies Act, 2013. If a private limited company faces financial risk, its shareholders are not subject to sell their personal assets, i.e. they ought to have limited liability.
✔ For online company registration, there must be a least of 2 directors while maximum 15 directors
can be appointed in a company. Proposed director must have attained age of 18 years.
✔ A foreign national can also become a director of private limited company in India. There is no minimum paid-up capital required for a private limited company registration. Every private limited company must use "" after their name.
✔ A private limited company has never-ending existence. A private limited company holds on existing even in the case of death or bankruptcy of its Members.
✔ A private limited company does not have any relationship with the public; they aren't permitted to ask for any collateral from the public or public sectors.
✔ In a private limited company, people are not entitled to transfer shares, which protect takeovers of private limited companies from big enterprises.
Limited Liability Partnership
✔ Two DSC & up to two DINs
✔ Name Reservation
✔ LLP Agreement
Overview of Limited Liability Partnership Registration
✔ Limited Liability Partnership is a type of partnership firm which is more preferred by entrepreneur.
✔ It is the easiest form of business structure with the benefit of limited liability.
✔ LLP registration gives freedom to partners to form a partnership structure where the liability of each partner is limited to the amount they contribute into the business.
✔ Limited liability partnership firm registration means that if the partnership fails, creditors cannot ask for partner’s personal property or income.
✔ What is Limited Liability Partnership Firm? LLPs or Limited Liability Partnership is a type of business structure which offers extra benefits in comparison to partnership firm. It provides limited liability to its partners at a very nominal compliance costs. Moreover, the Partners of the firm can organize their internal structure like a partnership firm.
✔ In short, LLP is a separate legal entity from its member that has the power to extend all its assets keeping the liabilities of partners limited.
Hence, a Limited Liability Partnership is a hybrid of a company and a partnership firm.
Public Limited Company Registration
✔ 3 DSC and 3 DIN
✔ Name Reservation
✔ Company Agreement
✔ Company PAN and TAN
✔ Corporation Identification Number
✔ AOA and MOA
Overview of Public Limited Company Registration
✔ Public limited companies enjoy all the rights of a corporate entity with limited liabilities and it is an ideal choice for the small and medium scale enterprises who wish to raise the equity capital from the general public.
✔ Below we are going to provides full knowledge of the features, procedure and document requirement for Public Company Registration.
✔ What is a Public Limited Company? Just like other companies, Public Limited Company is also registered as per the rules and regulations of the Companies Act, 2013. A public Company enjoys the benefits of limited liabilities for its members and has rights to sell its shares for raising the capital of the company.
✔ It can be incorporated with a minimum number of three directors and has more stringent rules and regulations as compared to a Pvt. Ltd. Company.
✔ It must have a minimum number of seven members whereas there is no limit for the maximum number of members.
✔ It provides all the benefits of a private limited company along with more transparency and easy transferability of ownership and shareholding. Name, shares, formation, number of members, management and directors, etc differentiates Public limited company from the private limited companies.